“Letter from the native land” of the poet-lumberjack Gavril Klympush – the first poet of the Ukrainian Hutsuls of Maramures region.
Gavrilo Klempush was self-taught, he learned to read and write from prayer books and “Kobzar” by Taras Shevchenko. For him, his native village, native land occupies an important place in the heart, soul and his work. In the 50s and 60s of the last century, when Ukrainian Romanian literature was still in its infancy, Gavrilo Klempush from the Maramures village of Vyshivska Dolyna was known as a poet-lumberjack who wrote Kolomyia poems about forest workers, publishing them in Romania in the newspaper “Novy Vik ” (Now” Free Word “). After the poet’s death in 1990, the family tried to preserve his memory, so many of his personal belongings, manuscripts, books, etc. are now in his home, where a memorial plaque has been erected. Those interested can visit this house.
Podcast author Maria Cinar-Jiga
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